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The Importance of High-Quality Product Images in Ecommerce

By Pritesh B

Posted | 12 min read

Woman taking product photos with DSLR


When it comes to online shopping, what catches your eye first?

Is it the product description or the reviews?

Well, while these are important factors, there's one thing that plays a crucial role in determining the success of an online store - the actual product photos.

Yes, you read that right! Every ecommerce business gains it’s success not only from it’s groundbreaking ecommerce products but from the visually appealing product content.

So, in this blog, we're going to dive deep into the role of product photos in ecommerce business success.

Get ready to be amazed at how a so called simple image can create a huge impact on your sales!

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Product photography and first impressions 

When it comes to online shopping, customers rely heavily on product photos to inform their purchasing decisions.

But it's not just about the quantity of images - the quality of the images is equally important.

Good product photos can help to build trust in your brand and convey a sense of professionalism and attention to detail.

On the other hand, low-quality or poorly lit images can give customers the impression that your products are cheap or of low quality.

This means the conversion rates depend heavily on how you present your products.

You will find this especially true with fashion and jewellery stores. First impressions made by Rolex make a huge impression on anyone's mind.

That is why it has been the most sought-after watch in the luxury jewellery segment.

Rolex product image

Importance of consistent and professional visual presentation

When it comes to visual presentation, taking high-quality photos of different types of product images is not enough.

Consistency also plays a major role in this. This means using a consistent color scheme, font, and style across all of your product pages and marketing materials.

By maintaining a consistent visual identity, you can help to build brand recognition and make it easier for customers to identify and remember your brand.

You also need to prioritize professionalism in your visual presentation.

This means investing in great quality  images, well-designed product pages, and clear and concise product descriptions.

A professional visual presentation can help to convey a sense of trustworthiness and credibility to your customers, which can ultimately lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales.

Impact of visually appealing images on brand image and reputation

Visually appealing images can help to convey a sense of professionalism, attention to detail, and overall quality.

By presenting your products in the best possible light, you can create a positive impression in the minds of your customers and build trust in your brand.

This can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals, which can ultimately help to boost your brand's reputation and visibility.

On the other hand, low-quality or unappealing product images can have the opposite effect, causing customers to view your brand as unprofessional or unreliable.

In some cases, poor product images can even lead to negative reviews or returns, which can further damage your brand's reputation and impact your bottom line.


Building customer trust product photos

While shopping online, you don't have the access to physically see or touch to examine the products when purchasing.

This means that product images provide a critical component of the online shopping experience.

These convey a sense of detail and quality, which can make customers feel more confident in their purchasing decisions.

The need of good quality images are often taken for granted but they actually can also help to build your brand’s credibility.

As you're demonstrating a commitment to quality and attention to detail, which can help to build trust and establish your brand as a leader in your industry.

Overcoming the limitations of online shopping by providing detailed visuals

Detailed visuals can take many forms, including high-quality images, 360-degree views, and product videos.

Provide a range of visual information, you can help to overcome the limitations of online shopping and give customers the confidence they need to make a purchase.

In addition to providing customers with the information they need, detailed visuals can also help to improve the overall shopping experience.

By investing in high-quality visuals, you're demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction and attention to detail, which can help to build trust and loyalty.

360 product photo of a man wearing a jacket

Enhancing the customer's confidence in the purchase decision

By enhancing the customer's confidence, you can increase conversion rates and establish a loyal customer base.

You can achieve this by laying out good quality product photos and efficiently detailed descriptions.

Provide clear, detailed visuals, you can help customers to understand the product they're considering and imagine how it will fit into their lives.

In addition, detailed descriptions can show information about the product's features, benefits, and specifications, which can help customers to make informed decisions.

Another way to enhance the customer's confidence is by offering product reviews and ratings.

By providing feedback from other customers who have purchased and used the product, you can help to build trust and credibility for your brand.

Reduce product returns with right product images

Product images also help in managing customer expectations.

These can help customers to understand the size, color, and overall appearance of the product, which can help them to make informed decisions about whether the product is right for them.

You can also include close-up shots of important features, images of the product in use, and images of the product from different angles.

By providing a comprehensive set of images, you can help customers to feel more confident in their purchase decisions.

Frank and Oak's high quality product images are good enough to show the minute fabric details - making visitors inquisitive about the product.


Minimizing dissatisfaction and returns due to mismatched expectations

One of the biggest challenges faced by e-commerce businesses is dealing with dissatisfaction and returns due to mismatched expectations.

To minimize dissatisfaction and returns, it is important to provide accurate and detailed product information, including high-quality images from multiple angles.

This can help customers to understand the size, color, and overall appearance of the product, and make an informed decision about whether it is right for them.

It is also important to ensure that the product description and images are consistent with the actual product.

This means avoiding the use of misleading language and ensuring that the images accurately reflect the product.

Encouraging satisfied customers to share positive reviews and testimonials

Positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers is a powerful tool for every e-commerce businesses.

This can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers, and encourage them to make a purchase.

You can encourage satisfied customers to share positive reviews and testimonials by providing them with either discounts/ incentives or some other benefit.

Another effective approach is to make it easy for customers to share their experiences.

This can be done by sending follow-up emails requesting feedback, or by providing a simple and user-friendly platform for customers to share their reviews and testimonials.

Supporting product descriptions

Written product information, such as product descriptions and specifications, can provide customers with additional details about the product that may not be immediately apparent from the images alone. 

When used in conjunction with images, written product information can complement and enhance the visual representation of the product.

Show a lifestyle photo where the product in use such as images of a person wearing or using the product.

This can help customers to envision themselves using the product and to imagine how it could improve their lives.

Demonstrate product features, benefits, and usage to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately lead to higher conversion rates and business success.

Flyod's product photos supplement their product descriptions to showcase product durability and quality.

Flyod product image

An ideal product detail page is where high-quality product images or lifestyle product images meet a great, detailed product description.

The quality of the image can either support or detract from the product's description.

The conversion rates depend heavily on how you present every single product and some good high-resolution images can increase that rate.

Apart from this, you also need to have pictures on your website to make it more attractive and engaging.

For this you can use some of the best free ecommerce stock images- actually this is the best practice for dropshipping beginners to download free stock photos for their websites.


Tips for creating high-quality product images

Investing in the right equipment or hiring a professional photographer can make a significant difference in your ecommerce business.

To achieve a detail shot for different types of products, you can hire a professional who has access to high-quality cameras, lighting equipment, and editing software to ensure that your ecommerce product images are crisp, clear, and accurately represent the product.

Before you go with the tips for taking good quality photos, you need to understand the importance of good images.

It will capture the product details as well as capture the benefits of the product through visuals. 

Ensuring proper lighting, background, and staging for product photos

It is important to use proper lighting to showcase your products in the best possible way.

Such detailed images help customers in seeing the product details and significantly increase the conversion rate by capturing details of products.

A simple, clean, and consistent background can make a significant difference in how your product is perceived by potential buyers.

Staging is also a critical element of product photography.

Give your customers a better idea of how it will look in use, and you can also showcase different angles and features of the product whichever is the best suit.

By investing in the right equipment, such as a tripod or a remote shutter release, you can capture your product from different angles and highlight its unique features.

Product photo setup in a studio

Showcasing products from multiple angles and perspectives

Showcasing products from multiple angles and perspectives helps customers understand and lets customers imagine the product details like size and usability.

Since online you cannot show the actual size of the product which might cause customers some trouble visualizing.

This can be prevented by the use of lifestyle shots and high resolution pictures where one can zoom in on a product and it’s finer details. 

It’s a simple combination of main image or e-commerce images every way and it’s details.

This will highlight unique features and details that customers might not have noticed otherwise.

Optimizing images for SEO and site performance

When it comes to optimizing product pictures for your e-commerce site, there's more to it than just the aesthetics.

One aspect that is often overlooked is the importance of using relevant keywords in image file names and alt tags or alt text.

Including descriptive, keyword-rich file names and alt tags not only helps search engines understand what the image is about, but it also helps improve the overall performance of your website.

This will bring on organic traffic and organic search, which is just what many of us want.

By making it easier for search engines to index and crawl your images, you can increase the visibility of your products to potential customers without the help of a marketer.


Balancing image quality and file size for faster page loading times

One way to balance image quality and file size is to compress images without sacrificing their visual impact.

This can be achieved by using image compression tools or plugins that reduce file size while maintaining image quality.

Another way is to select the appropriate file format for each image, such as JPEG for photographs and PNG for graphics with transparent backgrounds to process images.

It's also important to consider image dimensions and resolution.

For instance, using excessively large images for small thumbnails can significantly slow down page loading times.

As such, it's important to resize images to the appropriate dimensions for each specific use on the website.

This will not only bring attention to the details but also help in conversion optimization.

Ensuring a responsive and mobile-friendly image display

With the rise in use of devices, you need to make sure that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Optimizing images for mobile devices involves ensuring that you use high-quality photos that are responsive, meaning they can adapt to different screen sizes without losing their quality or proportions.

Bottom-line is that customers want that the images are not too large, as larger images take longer to load on mobile devices, leading to a poor user experience.

You need ensure a responsive and mobile-friendly image display,

A/B testing product images

A/B testing involves comparing two versions of a webpage or product page to determine which version performs better.

Many ecommerce stores test different aspects such as image size, placement, angle, and even the use of models or lifestyle images versus plain product shots.

By analyzing key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates, you can determine which image presentation is more effective in engaging your target audience and driving sales.

you can also use A/B testing to uncover new insights about your target audience and their preferences.

To ensure the accuracy of your results, it is important to only test one element at a time and to test for a sufficient amount of time to account for any seasonal or external factors that may influence your results.

Through careful analysis and testing, you can make informed decisions about your product picture strategy and continually improve your e-commerce success.

Continuously updating and improving product images based on data and feedback

Product photos are not a one-time job, but an ongoing process.

Continuously updating and improving the images based on data and feedback is crucial for the success of an e-commerce business.

It shows that the business is invested in delivering the best possible customer experience and that it values its customers' opinions.

There are thousands of new ways to collect feedback from customers, including online reviews, surveys, and social media.

Pay attention to what customers are saying about the images, businesses can make informed decisions about what changes to make.

You can also go for royalty-free pictures so that you get users to see every detail and aspect of the product.


Consistent and professional visual presentation of products enhances the overall shopping experience and reinforces the brand image and reputation.

Customers are more likely to perceive products as valuable and credible if the images are of high quality and accurately represent the product features and benefits.

Don't settle for low-quality, amateur images that fail to capture the essence of your products.

Instead, prioritize visual presentation and ensure that your product pictures accurately reflect the quality and value of your products.

Invest in high-quality visuals and watch your e-commerce success soar!

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How can high-quality images improve ecommerce sales?

High-quality product images can help improve ecommerce sales by making the product appear more attractive and desirable to customers. Clear images can also help build trust with customers, increasing the likelihood that they will buy from the ecommerce store again in the future.

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Is it better to use professional product photography or stock photos?

It is typically better to use professional product photography for ecommerce product images because it provides a more accurate representation of the product. Stock photos may not accurately depict the product and can make it difficult for customers to make informed purchasing decisions.

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What are some best practices for ecommerce product images?

Some best practices for ecommerce product images include using a white or neutral background, including multiple images to show different angles and features, and using high-resolution images that allow customers to zoom in on details. It is also important to ensure that images are optimized for web use to minimize load times and improve the customer experience.

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Pritesh B
Pritesh B

Ecommerce advocate and Co-founder at Storeplum. I like to write about current trends in ecommerce, best practices and innovative ways on improving online store conversions.

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